Tibet Permit and Tibet travel updates
Friday the April 7th, 2023 - Tibet Permit Updates:
After three years of closures, Tibet has officially reopened its borders to international travelers on April 7th 2023, including the Gyirong border between Tibet and Nepal. This is a wonderful opportunity for overseas visitors to explore the enchanting land of Tibet in 2023.
Please note that to travel to Tibet, you will need both a Chinese visa and a special Tibet entry permit, and you need to travel in an organized tour package. Once you confirm the tour booking with your travel agency such as WindhorseTour, then the travel agency will arrange you necessary Tibet permits and provide you invitation letter for the Chinese Visa application.
Here are some important notes when you plan your travel to Tibet in 2023:
The Rules for China Group Visa from Nepal to Tibet: The definition of "Group" has changed for travel from Nepal to Tibet. Previously, it meant a tour organized by a travel agency, and individuals or small groups could apply. However, starting in 2023, a new rule states that you now need a group of at least four people to apply for the group visa from Nepal to Tibet. Additionally, all four individuals must go together to the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu for the application. So which means you need have 4 people in your group if you travel from Nepal to Tibet.
Direct Flights from Kathmandu to Lhasa: As of now, there are still no direct flights from Kathmandu to Lhasa since the early stages of the pandemic. Currently, travelers who wish to fly from Kathmandu to Lhasa must opt for connecting flights through cities like Guangzhou, Chengdu, or Chongqing. These flights often involve long layovers, resulting in a minimum total flight time of over eleven hours.
We don't recommend you to take the flight option, you can travel by land to Tibet via Gyirong border between Tibet and Nepal.
Please feel free to leave your questions below or contact us directly. Click here for our Tibet tours!
Friday the June 12th, 2020 - Tibet Permit Updates:
Due to the Covid-19, the Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) office has suspended the Tibet Permits for foreign tourists since 27 January 2020. Although the epidemic has been under control in China and people have resumed their daily lives, the Covid-19 continues to spread throughout the world. Therefore, the TTB office cannot issue the Tibet Permits to foreign tourists at this moment. We will update the latest policy for you as soon as we get the news.
We would like to share with you that the Tibet Tourism Bureau has been issuing the Tibet Permits throughout the entire year of 2019 and even in January 2020 (before the Covid-19 outbreak in China).
Please feel free to leave your questions below or contact us directly. Click here for our Tibet tours!

Wednesday the May 29th, 2019 - Tibet Travel Updates:
Zhangmu Port reopened today. After the Nepal earthquake in 2015, the Zhangmu port on the border between China and Nepal fell into a four-year suspension. However, it is only open to business and trade between countries, not yet to tourists. Tourists planning to travel to Nepal from Tibet or visit Tibet from Nepal can go through the newly-opened Gyirong border, which is the main Chinese/Nepalese border.
Please check how to get to Tibet from Kathmandu, for more information about the overland trip between Tibet and Nepal.

Monday the March 25th, 2019 - Tibet Travel Updates:
The Chamdo county and northern route re-opens, but the Motuo area and Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon still remain closed as they are near the military base and border area. Chamdo is the major transport, administrative and trade center of the Kham region, and the northern route to Lhasa from Chengdu offers the travelers with not only the Kham cultural heritage but also the stunning landscape of the Lhegu Glacier and 72 turnings of Salween River.
Please check the Sichuan/Yunnan to Tibet overland tours for more information.

Monday the December 10th, 2018 - Tibet Permit Updates:
The Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) office has announced to issue the permits for foreign travelers visiting Tibet during the Tibetan new year and March, which has been closed for 10 years since 2008 due to the political issue. Travelers could enjoy the major Tibetan festivals during this period: the Tibetan New Year (Losar) and the Butter Lamp Festival, to join the unique festival activities and feel the atmosphere.
Please feel free to contact us directly for any further information, or read more details on the Top reasons to travel Tibet in winter.
Friday the March 31st, 2017 - Tibet Travel Update:
The overland trip from Chengdu/Lijiang to Lhasa via Markham re-opens, however, the Chamdo county and the northern route is still closed. Along this overland trip, you will discover the mysterious Kham culture and beautiful landscapes. Markham offers spectacular scenery, with two riotous rivers 'Lancang River and Jinsha River'. Please note that Tibet Tourism Bureau Permit (TTB), Alien's Travel Permit (ATP/PSB) and Military Permit is required if you are planning to travel to these areas.
You are welcome to leave your questions below or contact us directly!

Friday the March 10th, 2017 - Tibet Permit Updates:
Good News! Based on the information we get from the Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) office today that travel agencies can submit the Tibet permit application for the groups starting in early April. Please feel free to contact WindhorseTour for any inquiry to Tibet, our staff will be more than happy to help you with the travel planning.
You are welcome to leave your questions below or contact us directly.
Tuesday the March 16th, 2016 - Tibet Permit Update:
Effective yesterday the Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) office has resumed accepting applications for overseas travelers wishing to travel to Tibet. WindhorseTour was first in line to start helping our clients who are starting to travel to Tibet before April 10, 2016. Start your travelers to Tibet today.
Please leave your questions below or contact us directly.

Tuesday the January 07th, 2014 - Tibet Permit Update:
The Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) office announced that no permits will be issued for any trips starting after January 25, 2014. While there was not date reported on when Tibet Travel Permit will resume being issued, WindhoseTour anticipates late March. Based on previous years both private and group trips to Tibet, permit application should be resumed on or around March 25, 2014. With travel able to resume around April 8, 2014.
We encourage all our clients wishing to travel to Tibet this year, to start their planning now. Please check more information on the 2014 Tibet Permit and Visa Information.
Tuesday the December 24th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Update:
Travel to Tibet in winter times is awesome - beat the crowds and save money. The time it takes to apply for a Tibet Travel Permit remains at 15 days. Plenty of time to plan your trip to see the snow-capped peaks including Mount Everest!
Please check more information on the Top 10 Winter Destinations in China or the process of getting Tibet Permits.

Tuesday the October 17th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Update:
Traveling to Tibet is easy and applying for a permit still requires about 15 working days. Your permit is included with any of the Tibet Group Tour. Access to Everest Base Camp has been limited as a result of heavy snow caused by Phailin Cyclone a few photos are shown below.
Please leave your questions below or contact us directly.

Tuesday the September 10th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Update:
You can still easily apply for the Tibet Permit. Just confirm your Tibet tour at least 15 days in advance, and we will arrange it for you.
For the latest information about the permit, you can check on this page or contact us directly.
Friday the Aug 2nd, 2013 - Tibet Permit Update:
There were no changes in the Tibet Permits application process this month.
You can check the recent updates on this page, or contact us for more details on Tibet Permits.
Monday the July 29th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Update:
Last week, Chinese authorities have announced a new exit-and-entry regulation on July 1st, aiming to standardize the issue of visas for foreigners. These new rules will be effective from September 1st of this year.
If you have any questions after reading the news, please feel free to contact us.
Monday the July 2nd, 2013 - Tibet Permit Update:
The Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) has resumed accepting new applications for Tibet Permits.
Last week there was a short period of (2) days where the TTB had delayed issuing permits and advised travel agencies to wait on submitting new applications.
Recent Changes in the Permit Application Process:
- The TTB office has increased its attention to reviewing each applicants' occupation in more detail.
Please Note: We are not able to help diplomats, journalists or government officials apply for Tibet Permits. These applications are handled directly by the Foreign Affairs Office in Lhasa.

Monday the June 17th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Updated
We advise our clients to apply for their Tibet Permits at least 15 days before their trips start, which is a new requirement of the Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) office.
Since Tibet was reopened in April, we have successfully operated many customized tours throughout Tibet. Check the feedback from our clients.
Thursday the April 11th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Updated
Everest Base Camp Can Be Visited Now! PSB Permit is required when traveling in EBC.
Check our Everest Base Camp Tours in 2013!

Thursday the March 28th, 2013 - Tibet Permit Updated
Foreign travelers can once again easily apply for a Tibet Travel Permit!
On March 25th, the Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) released an official notice that Tibet would be reopened on April 1st. This important travel news means the previous restrictions in place for foreigners traveling to Tibet in 2012 have been lifted.
One of the most important points of the news is there is no group size or nationality limitations for foreign travelers in 2013. Tours can easily be arranged for the only person throughout the Tibet Autonomous Region.
Time to start planning your Tibet Tours in 2013!
i would like to know the information for this trip.and i have been planning for the trip to tibet.So can you give me the information,cost for it and all.
thank you.
hi , I am Chinese by holding Chinese Passsport , my husband is British and our 6-yr old daughter is Holding British passport as well. We are planning to visit Tibet during Summer Holidays 2016, do we need Tibet permit and how can I get it through you agency and how long will take and how much we need pay you?
Thank you
In reply to Can I get Tibet permit from you? by Lucy Ding (not verified)
Hello Lucy,
Thanks for your comments! Overseas travelers must apply Tibet Permit to enter Tibet, our agency will help you to organize all of your Tibet permits. I've sent you the detailed information via E-mail, please take a look! Kindly let me know for any further comments & thoughts on it.
Look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards,
I am planning to travel to Tibet and for 1 weeks starting August 10. Can I get information or package for 2 adults?
In reply to getting tour information for summer by yolanda (not verified)
Hello Yolanda,
Thanks for your inquiry! August is one of best time to visit Tibet, we can certainly make your trip happen! I have sent you a detailed email based on your requirements, please take a look!
Best Regards,