Tibet facts and culture guide
"As a land embraced with spirituality, the secluded Tibet boasts incredible cultural traditions and fabulous natural scenery, which makes it a superior destination among adventurous explorers. Being the motherland of Tibetan Buddhism, it houses innumerable traditional customs and maze-like architectures. But the pull of Tibet is far more than that, and once you’ve gotten a taste of its mysterious culture and customs, you’ll know just why.
There are lots we love about Tibetan culture, and whether you plan to travel Tibet for the first time or you’re already familiar with the lifestyle of Tibet, there’s always plenty to discover about this fascinating land. We have laid out some interesting points here, but really you must travel to Tibet yourself to truly see and feel, then you can realize how Tibetan Buddhism affects Tibetan people’s cultural values and how these Tibetan cultures and customs make the land so interesting. If you’re planning to make a Tibet tour or daydreaming about planning one in the future, plan your trip armed with a few facts to get started.
So, with no more delay, here are some facts about Tibet, including geography, natural resources, history, language, Tibetan calendar, Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan religions, etc., that will help you in your exploration of the region and unlock the greatest zen. Begin your Tibet vacations with endless discovery into the culture of Tibet with these facts and guides."