People in Tibet

Luopa people mainly live in the southeast of Tibet. Most of them live by farming. The Luopa people are very skillful. Their handworks plaited with bamboo are exquisite. Both of the two races only have oral lang
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History of Tibet

Tibetans believe that they originated from a monkey and a Raksasi, who married under the order of Avalokiteshvara and gave birth to six children, thus starting the history of Tibet. Mt. Gongpori  located in the
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Tibet religious objects

Tibetans are a group of devout religious people. They find many ways to express their respect and piety to certain deities, such as presenting offerings, reciting, circumambulating and worshipping, during which
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Tibet weather and climate

Tibet has formed a complex and diverse climate due to its unique and varied topography. Check the details below to find out the particular weather and climate in Tibet.
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Tibetan burial customs

Tibetan burial customs are based on Buddhist belief in reincarnation. Tibetans are not afraid of death. They believe that death does not terminate a life, but indicates rebirth. They face death with calm. Their
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Tibetan dance

As with many other minority ethnic groups in China, the Tibetan people are very adept at singing and dancing. With the snow covered land, high mountains and holy lakes as their settings, the songs and dances se
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Tibetan etiquettes

Meeting and GreetingAlthough this custom is fading, it is still regularly used. When encountering a friend or an acquaintance, a Tibetan removes his hat and bows while holding his hat in front of his chest. How
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